A proud mother of two and marathon runner, Kristen knows how to make digital marketing look easy. A proud University of Lynchburg grad (go Hornets), Kristen finds inspiration in bold brands and her two daughters. When she’s not perfecting her garlic bread recipe, Kristen is raising money and awareness for her family’s foundation — Clara Inspired. In honor of her special needs daughter, Clara, the foundation works to help cure an extremely rare genetic condition. Encouraged by her daughter’s zest for life, Kristen is ready to tackle whatever you throw her way…just as long as it happens in the afternoon. She may be a lot of things, but a morning person, she is not.
Three fun facts:
- Kristen has an intense fear of bugs. She crossed “Be a Contestant on Fear Factor” off her To-Do list a while ago.
- On her daily runs, she listens to true crime podcasts. Apparently, they motivate her to “Keep moving.”
- The thing Kristen rates 10/10? Wine (and we don’t blame her).