Let Me Tell You Something I Probably Shouldn’t
Hey folks,
Social media has made it easier to share information, and that’s not always a good thing. From private information to random thoughts to complaints about the slightest inconvenience, I constantly see friends and associates post information that’s a little #TMI or just plain dumb. Today, people post private things publicly. Much is content that, only few years ago, would never have been shared. One friend checked into her OB/GYN’s office on Facebook, and then went to great detail as to what she was being treated for. Another posted a selfie on Twitter from the dentist chair with a bloody smile and the hashtag #Ouch. So much for HIPAA laws, eh? Another posted a pic on Instagram of his wife sleeping, sans makeup and some serious bedhead. Problems? You’ve got problems? Hmmm, let’s see.
And don’t get me started on the “problems” people post:
“My essential oil diffuser broke!”
“I hate shopping at stores. It’s soo hard dealing with people!”
“There’s NO WIFI at work!!! #KillMeNow”
Um, no. Those aren’t problems. Those are #FirstWorldProblems.
Monday, March 20: Congratulations!
Congrats to our friends at Sycamore Vet, who opened the doors of their beautiful new hospital on Monday. Taryn, Cabell, and the whole crew worked relentlessly all weekend – moving files, medical equipment, and lots of other stuff. What a great way to celebrate International Puppy Day.
Meredith, Matt, and Sophie made us proud Monday night by graduating from their “Skills for Success” course at Dale Carnegie Training. Billionaire Warren Buffett only has one certificate hanging in his office, the one he got from Dale Carnegie at the age of 20. Now, three Madison+Main-iacs have the exact same certificate.

Tuesday, March 21:Spreading the Gospel
On Tuesday, a really cool ad caught my eye on Facebook, and as it turns out, we made it! Facebook’s Carousel ad units are a great way to visually tell a story and spread the good word for a brand, and we created one for our client Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries. Check it out!

At Rotary on Tuesday, I was able to secure a few more Sportsman’s raffle tickets. If you recall, our club has partnered with Green Top Hunting & Fishing to raise funds for local charities. I have half a dozen tickets left. You get 20 chances to win a rifle or a gift certificate from Green Top in the month of April. E-mail me ASAP at davids@madisonmain.com if you want a ticket.
Wednesday, March 22: #Busy
Hump Day turned into “Working At My Desk All Day,” as I was stuck in RFP/Proposal mode. I’m not complaining that we had three proposals and two RFPs due this week. I’m really not. And I would never, ever complain about that on social media.
Thursday, March 23: Live, Laugh, Love
Special thanks to Harry & Roger over at Top Of Mind Communications for giving me an awesome write-up in their March newsletter. They did their best to make me look smart.
Senior Graphic Designer Kaity “Always Traveling By” Carr flew out to Seattle for a little R&R Thursday, but never fear Graphic Design Intern Erin Rebmann picked up the slack. I love her tattoo. ‘Live, Laugh, Love.” It’s so much more positive than “Try. Cry. Die.”

Friday, March 24: Broken Brackets
I know that Bold Brands Win, but apparently Bold Brackets don’t. Two colleagues picked my beloved VCU Rams to go all the way to the Final Four again, and their brackets are more busted than Lt. Governor Northam’s. I thought mine was a little more realistic, but I rank 16,698,689th out of 18,796,899 brackets entered on ESPN.
“I got a lot of problems with you people and now you’re gonna hear about it.”
– Frank Costanza, Seinfeld