Yay, we did it! We survived the Great Blizzard of 2014 with minimal damage. And although my kids were excited that Chesterfield County Schools closed for the week, the kids at Madison+Main were hard at work, braving the elements and single-digit temperatures. Despite this, everyone I know had a great week, except Justin Bieber.
Monday (1/20) – On Monday, we finally gave Lindsey Durfee a day off. Although she earned the much-needed break from the madness at Madison+Main, we as an organization were completely lost without her. Somehow, we managed to carry on with the help of our friend Scott Elmquist, Photo Editor at Style Weekly, who dropped by to lead a Lunch & Learn for the team. Thanks to Scott for taking the time to teach our crew the finer points of custom commercial and editorial photography! You can see Scott’s work every week in Style Weekly and every day at ScottElmquistPhoto.com.
It was delightful to have Kara Forbis in town, if only for a few hours. With the threat of snow, Kara hightailed it back to the high country – Blacksburg.
On Monday, I was also delighted to announce that Sarah Dawes Murphy has accepted a newly created position within our company: Marketing Communications Executive. Sarah has done such a great job with PR and long form copywriting for web, email, press releases and so much more, that we decided to move her from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor, where she joins our Creative Team.
Tuesday (1/21) – On Tuesday morning I normally go to Rotary, but with Chesterfield schools out, Midlothian Rotary cancelled its meeting at the DoubleTree at Koger Center. Yes, as a reminder, Chesterfield schools were closed Tuesday even though it didn’t start snowing until 5pm…
Meanwhile back at the office, coworkers shared a delicious breakfast of birthday cake with extra sprinkles and coffee. Kara left her daughter Sutton’s 5th birthday cake at the office in her rush to beat the winter weather, and the Madison+Main-iacs devoured it like a pack of Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Let them eat cake… for breakfast
Wednesday (1/22) – Thanks to the marvelous “gift from God” we call the Internet, Madison+Main kept working through the Blizzard of 2014 through email, Skype and a host of other fancy Interweb products. The office was closed, but we kept working in our Christmas Jammies.
Sadly, we had to cancel our January Media Mixer on Wednesday night, but the next one will be on Wednesday, February 12th at the same location: Postbellum. Mark your calendars and RSVP here on Facebook or email Lindsey.
Thursday (1/23) – On Thursday, the entire crew was saddened to hear that love actually can’t keep us together, apparently. After 39 years of marriage, The Captain and Tenille filed for divorce. But who am I kidding? Most of the guys and gals at work are too young to remember Captain and Tenille. 🙁
At the Virginia CEOs Quarterly Luncheon, Snagajob Founder Shawn Boyer spoke to the group about what it takes to make it from startup to the big leagues. Apparently the short answer is… “money.”
On Thursday night I had not one, not two, but three dates to the big dance. Thanks to Lindsey, Kelley and Sarah for coming with me to the Chesterfield Chamber’s Annual Banquet. Madison+Main got a BIG round of applause when Chamber President Danna Geisler announced that our firm would be providing branding and marketing services to the Chamber – pro bono – this year. “Those guys are awesome!”
Friday (1/24) – Among the early morning meetings, phone calls to clients and normal workload, I took time this afternoon to reflect on the wonderful life of a friend’s mom, who recently lost her battle to cancer. Funerals aren’t very fun, but they force you to think about what’s important in life.
This weekend I am going to hug my kids, whether they like it or not, and take time to be thankful for all the many blessings I have, instead of complaining about the snow.
Dave Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer