Any time a major-leaguer can hit two out of three, it’s considered a good day. At Madison+Main this week, we were batting .667… two out of three phone calls were hit, two out of three happenings put us into positive territory, but as you read further, you’ll realize that we had a couple set backs too..
Monday (9/23) – On Monday, we had a second HVAC unit go on the fritz, meaning two out of the three AC units have gone down in the past week. But, despite the bad weather last Saturday Capital Ale’s Oktoberfest went off without a hitch and the mighty Sharks ofAlberta Smith shut out Evergreen on Saturday night in the pouring rain. The Sharks scored two out of every three times they touched the ball.
Tuesday (9/24) – On Tuesday morning at the Midlothian Rotary meeting, we put together final preparations for next Wednesday’s big event; the Magnificent Midlothian Food Festival. Our club was recognized by the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors for hosting this event for the last 25 years. There are a few tickets left online and 100% of the proceeds benefit local charities. Click here to buy your tickets!
I was pleased and honored to host Dr. Debbie Sydow, President of Richard Bland College, at Rotary. She gave a terrific presentation on Richard Bland’s history, affiliation with William & Mary and shared her big plans for the Commonwealth’s only two-year public college. To learn more about Richard Bland College and its big plans for the future, click here.
Later that day, I returned the favor by traveling down to the college and speaking to students in the Honors Program about Branding in the Age of Convergence. (I speak to a lot of business and civic groups on branding, marketing and the interactive web. If you need a speaker of marginal capabilities, please call me at the office and I’ll try to oblige.)
Wednesday (9/25) – Wednesday was jam-packed with highlights, including a Lunch & Learn featuring our own client, Ashley Abplanalp, also known as the “Money Mom.” Ashley dropped by and delivered a one-hour financial education seminar that went over very well, especially with the 20-somethings in the office. In addition to her day job as The RVA Realtor, Ashley coaches people and families on financial matters.
Wednesday night was a huge success; with more than 100 people attending our first ever get together on a boat. Special thanks to the crew at Flatheads, docked off Wharf Street near Rocketts Landing, for being such gracious hosts! Next month’s Mixer is on Wednesday, October 16th… stay tuned for the location.
Thursday (9/26) – On Thursday morning I attended the quarterly luncheon for the Virginia Council of CEO’s at UR’s Jepson Alumni Center.
In the afternoon we released our latest TV ad for Lucy Corr Village entitled “Hugs.” This spot was truly a labor of love and features real life caregivers and real residents of Lucy Corr Village. I’d love to know what you think of the ad. Click here to see the ad before it hits the airwaves.
Friday (9/27) – This morning, I made a special batch of Lynchburg Lemonade, which is what I call three parts Jose Cuervo margarita mix to one part Jose Cuervo. In fact, I made five gallons of it to pour at the Chesterfield Chamber Golf Tournament, but Virginia ABC laws got in the way and we were limited to only giving away beers to the business people playing at the beautiful Highlands Golf Club. But don’t you worry… Sammy, Sarah, Katie,Lindsey, Kelley and I drank up the margaritas.
Madison+Main’s Account Team served up drinks and smiles at the Chesterfield Chamber Golf Tournament today.
Thanks for reading the M+M Weekly Report!
Just incase you missed last week’s Oktoberfest celebration in RVA, you have one more chance as Fredericksburg’s Capital Ale House will host Oktoberfest all-day on Saturday. Let me know if you’re planning on coming up.