Everything Old Is New Again | Weekly Report for July 21, 2023
Greetings from the milepost 41.4 on the Garden State Parkway, where I write this week’s edition of the Weekly Report. I’m sipping a Starbucks at the Frank Sinatra Service Center. You just never know…

Catch a Rising Star | Weekly Report for June 23, 2023
One thing I’ve learned in the marketing biz through the years is that you can never predict what will go “viral” on social media. You can make cool content. You…

Setting The Bar And Then Raising It | Weekly Report for June 2, 2023
By: Caitlin Sherman, Copywriter Dave has been busy shuttling between Lynchburg and Harrisonburg this week building his BURGer empire, so I’m filling in with another special edition of the Weekly Report. Marketing is an integral part…

All is Well in the End | Weekly Report for April 7, 2023
I appreciate all the concern (and jokes) sent to me after my most recent colonoscopy – my fifth delightful procedure in five years. The results are in; I’m cancer free…

‘Tis the Season…To Party | Weekly Report for December 2, 2022
This time of year, I pull my “Christmas jacket” out of the closet. It usually gets a few good dry cleanings in November and December from the friendly folks at Puritan Cleaners….