You’re Organized — Now What? How To Stick to Your Goals

Ahhh, January. The month of resolutions! The start of a new calendar year usually means you’ve decided you’re going to set all these big goals for yourself, your company, or your small business that you’re determined to accomplish over the next 12 months.
But do you often find yourself losing momentum or simply giving up on reaching these goals? You’re not alone. Apparently, a study cites that of the 41% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, by the end of the year, only 9% feel they are successful in keeping them.
So we’ve compiled the Madison+Main-iac’s Four Tips for Staying Organized so you can stick to your year-long goals.
1. Make your plan and make sure you write it down.
A well thought out plan will give you direction and structure for the future. Whether it’s a year-long manifesto or a month-to-month plan, write down what you want to achieve and a realistic time frame in which you hope to achieve it. By physically writing down a goal you make it real and tangible — and you’re one step closer to actually achieving whatever you penned.
Pro tip: Make your goals as specific as possible. Vague thoughts or ambitions are difficult to stick with and you’re more likely to fail. Goals must be clear, well-defined, specific, measurable, attainable, and time-bound.
2. Be honest and hold yourself accountable.
A great way to stick to your goals is to ensure you create accountability for yourself. One way of doing this is to share your goals and progress with someone who is directly involved in the goal. Tell a friend or a co-worker about your goal, or you could even join a group where you have the ability to share your progress, your setbacks, or successes.
When you share your goal with others or if you have a goal that directly impacts others based on your progress, you will hold yourself more accountable for getting things done.
3. Be “SMART” about your goals.
“SMART,” a proven method for goal setting, stands for the following: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific. If people or businesses follow these points, they’re more successful in actually achieving them.
Here’s an example one of our coworkers created for a senior living facility’s newest apartment complex opening:
S. Start a new social media advertising campaign.
M. Generate 60 new leads or contact form fills.
A. Hire a marketing team responsible for running the campaign and measuring performance.
R. Promote our new apartments features and discounts.
T. Finish in the next six months.
4. Set aside 15 minutes a day to achieve your goals.
Dedicating 15 minutes a day makes a potentially big, daunting goal, into a more attainable and achievable task. It also helps you form a habit about that goal more easily.
Now you’re ready to tackle your 2023 goals! Is one of them finding a new marketing agency to help with whatever projects you’ve got in the woodwork? Give us a call today to start working toward your advertising goals — 804-521-4141.