The Good News You’ve Been Waiting For
Keeping up with the tradition that we started seven weeks ago, the Weekly Report is all about good news. In the midst of a global pandemic, we figured you could get bad news anywhere — CNN, your neighbors, your Facebook feed, Dr. Fauci, or your cardiologist. Soooo we decided to pack each Weekly Report with good news from the Madison+Main-iacs, our clients, and strange stories that we found on the dark web.
Per Governor Northam’s Executive Order #53, Virginia will reopen on April 23rd, May 7th, May 15th…or possibly June 10th. This means that for the last 41 days, 55+ days, the Madison+Main-iacs have been working hard and working remotely. The good news? There is light at the end of the tunnel. Virginia is moving into Phase One on Saturday, May 16th and this is the good news you’ve been waiting for.
This means that the days of no haircuts, no toilet paper, no drinks at the bar, no blasting paper targets at Green Top Shooting Range, no dining in at the Texas Inn, and no friendly faces around the Worldwide Madison+Main HQ are coming to an end. And though I might have to wait until Phase Three, I’m giving you fair warning — I will probably hug you the next time I see you. It will be a long hug. I will try not to make it awkward.
Please send me your business contact info this week because I will be compiling a list of all the businesses around RVA that are reopening on May 16th. Please send me any and all businesses, their names, and at least one digital contact (website address, Facebook page, or LinkedIn profile). Yes, we are reopening Virginia and that is the good news you’ve been waiting for — and here is the good news from our world this week.
- Graphic Designer Erin Rebmann and Director of Business & Marketing Leanne Ferry put together a video to thank all of the essential workers and frontline healthcare professionals. Nobody told me there’d be days like this.
- Earlier today we held our seventh Madison+Main Small Biz MarCom Webinar. Click here if you missed it.
- ChamberRVA has announced that its Small Business Relief Fund application process will open on Wednesday, May 13th. If you are a small business with 2-25 employees in the Richmond region and could use an extra $2,500, click here to apply.
- At Madison+Main, we practice what we preach and we are proud to announce that we have signed two new clients this week, Veterinary Career Services of Ashland, Virginia and Birmingham Green, a senior residential facility in Manassas, Virginia.
- Construction on the Compass Entertainment Complex in beautiful downtown Irvington, Virginia is underway and the Compass team is making incredible progress, despite 95% of the world being on lockdown. Click here to see pics of the recent construction and make plans to join them for a grand opening in late June. More details to follow.
- Closer to home, here are some updates from the Madison+Main-iacs. Mike and Carissa Ghaffari celebrated six years of wedded bliss this week. Molly Banks‘ son Ollie is an incredible artist and finished two driveway chalk murals this week that cheered up his neighbors and encouraged one passerby to take a photo that he is using in a work presentation this week. Katie Rossberg and friends held a Zoom White Claw Taste Test and apparently Ruby Grapefruit was the winner (yes, I know that’s not good news to you but that was good news to her.) M+M President Molly Whitfield found a new daycare for her girls and they smoothly made the switch. Apparently, the girls are having fun and have decided to not cut another strand of their own hair off. In other good news, Kent Brockwell had the day off — his first in eight weeks. Reports are that M+M’s Communications Director is fishing in the James River and is amply supplied with a backpack full of Miller High Life 40s.
- And finally, in the best news item of the week, I can report that no one in my family, no one in my company, none of my clients, and none of my 6,942 contacts on LinkedIn were stung by a Murder Hornet this week.
With the M+M office being mostly vacant for the last seven weeks, we discovered a new resident living at 1st and Cary. A mama dove has built a nest over our doorway arch and is warming up several eggs. We nicknamed her Rona.
“It’s amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.”
— John Guare