In business, we often use “bizspeak” too much. Usually derived from sports terms, because it’s easier to explain things when we’re moving at the speed of business. In meetings over the years, I’ve heard the phrase “dropped the ball” many times. Saying “I dropped the ball” is easier than saying “I made a mistake” or “I screwed up,” but essentially it means the same thing. A fumble is a fumble. You did it. Everyone can see it. You don’t need a frame by frame instant replay in HD.
Why does a player drop the ball? There’s only a couple of reasons: lack of concentration, didn’t follow procedure or someone else knocked the ball out of his hands. In any case, your coach (boss) or teammates (colleagues) really don’t care HOW it happened. They don’t need a lengthy diatribe explaining why the fumble occurred. The coach has to call the next play and your teammates have to jump in and help fix your mistake. #MyBad
Here are three quick tips for how to recover from a “fumble” (and get your coach and teammates back on your side).
1. Admit the mistake – Say it was your fault.
2. Apologize for the mistake – Say that you’re sorry.
3. Act – Say that you’re going to fix it and that it won’t happen again.
Look, everyone drops the ball once in a while, even NFL running backs. We all make mistakes, but how we respond to those mistakes is what ultimately defines us.
Monday, September 11 – My Advice: Wear Sunscreen
We took a few moment on Monday to remember those lost on 9/11. Fascinating that we all remember, regardless of age, what we were doing that day. #NeverForget
We had a great time working with the Who’s Your Driver? team last weekend at Richmond Raceway. Two clients, one weekend. And my giant forehead has been sunburned all week. My advice to you, wear sunscreen.
On Monday, I had the pleasure of lunching with graphic designer and AIGA RichmondPresident John Drake. We discussed ways that Madison+Main can get more involved in supporting RVA’s design community.
And we were delighted that Eva Balazs, Director of Marketing for Virginia & Maryland Milk Producers Cooperative Association, stopped by the worldwide headquarters of Madison+Main on Monday.

Tuesday, September 12 – Dog Day Afternoons
After Rotary Tuesday morning, I raced across town to speak to members of the Executive Leadership Forum, a business leaders group, lead by Judy Kelley. The subject? Easy. #BoldBrandsWin
VP of Brand Strategy Kara Forbis was in town this week, and delighted us with Madison+Main-iac University presentation during Tuesday’s lunch. #GoDawgs
In the afternoon, we had a great meeting with Kevin Martin and Mary Ann Shepherd from our long-time client Yard Works. Only one problem, Mary Ann is not getting the WeeklyReport in her inbox anymore. I admitted the mistake (even though, I’m sure it was Matt Ong‘s fault). I apologized. I re-added her to the email list. (See how easy that was?) #RecoveredTheBall

Wednesday, September 13 – A Big Splash
On Wednesday, we inked a deal with Flatwater Ventures, better known as Waterford Park, the tentatively-named residential, retail and entertainment complex planned for Chesterfield County. After discussing this for a loooong time, we’re thrilled to be working with development partners Brett Burkhart and Derek Cha (founder of Sweet Frog). Stay tuned — together we’re going to make a big splash!!
Thursday, September 14 – #Winning
Back to football Thursday night, and I played three new games with my VA Fantasy Sportsapp. I lost $10 last night, but I did manage to pull down $264 last weekend playing Pick ‘Em and the Salary Cap game. TRUST ME, pro football is much more fun when you can play same-day fantasy games and WIN $. Get the iPhone app in the app store, or simply visit and start playing today.
I’m getting a league together — 10 people max — so call or email me if you want to win some of my money.
Friday, September 15 – Sorry, I’m Busy
Today was crazy, as we delivered not one, but THREE proposals to potential new clients. Therefore, I have nothing more to say about Friday, nor time to think of something clever to finish this email. #sorry
So here’s a picture of my Creative Director, Art Webb, in a Richmond jail cell. #DontAskDontTell

Have a GREAT weekend!
“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”
–Bruce Lee