April Rain
Hey folks,
So with 25% of the year already done, we’ve accomplished a lot so far at Madison+Main. In 2017, we’ve launched our new company website, a new agency marketing campaign and closed nine new contracts. We’ve picked up five Virginia PRSA awards, one PR Week Award, three local Addy’s, one regional Addy, and two national advertising awards. Between a laundry list of client work, we’re squeezing in time on the calendar to interview for three new positions. I say all this not to brag, but to light a fire under your collective butts.
When I ask folks, “How’s business this year?,” the answers range from “fine” to a frown and a #facepalm. C’mon folks, let’s get rolling.
You have a great organization, awesome people, and the resources you need to accomplish great things this year. You work hard, you have a plan…but things aren’t moving as fast as you’d like. Business is good, but it’s not really great. May I offer a suggestion? If you’re still using the marketing tactics and getting the same results, maybe it’s time to #SeekProfessionalHelp.
It’s April. Time to “make it rain!”
Monday, April 3
Usually Mondays get off to slow start, but not when you’re invited to speak at the Western Henrico Rotary. They are a lively, rowdy bunch and the breakfast was pretty good too. Random thought: I laugh every time Siri says “Henrico.” #HenREEKOh

Tuesday, April 4
Our California-based client Guided Discoveries is brining two amazing summer camps to their new 400-acre facility in Clover, Virginia near Virginia International Raceway. Their new mobile, geo-fenced ad campaign kicked off this week for AstroCamp Virginia and Camp Motorsport. Check out the website and rev up your kid’s summer.

Wednesday, April 5
We received word Wednesday from our friends at Virginia Energy Sense that they were awarded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2017 ENERGY STAR Excellence Award for Promotion, and will be recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy on April 26 in Washington DC. From the release:
“Virginia Energy Sense, an ENERGY STAR partner since 2010, will be honored for its stellar outreach efforts to Virginia consumers, businesses, non-profits and education institutions, efforts that included a series of digital advertisements, featuring VES’s spokesperson Jack, a talking electrical outlet who sounds like a very famous Jack many know.”
Congrats to our client Andy Farmer, and our partners at Alliance Group and Burson-Marsteller for their part in this stellar award!
Thursday, April 6
My friend Connie Salinas, Marketing Director at Coordinated Services Management, invited me to present at their annual conference Thursday. I arrived late, and totally drenched from the storm, but they forgave me and actually applauded when I was finished. A really nice group of sales and marketing folks from all over the Commonwealth, and I very much enjoyed our morning together. #BoldBrandsWin was the theme, of course.

Friday, April 7
Greetings from beautiful, sunny Raleigh-Durham Airport, where I am dispatching this week’s Weekly Report. Spring Break starts now for the Saunders clan, and we are heading south to take a Royal Caribbean cruise. Heads up: Next week’s email will undoubtedly have lots of photoshopped pics of me and jokes made at my expense, as the Madison+Main-iacs take over The Weekly Report. I may get the last laugh, as it will be delivered to me via email on a beach in Barbados.
“Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet.”
– Roger Miller