“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein
So you’ve been running the same promotion on the same thing in the same way that you did 10 years ago… and you wonder why it doesn’t work anymore. That’s the very definition of INSANITY.
For many business owners, the process of marketing has become so convoluted and complex that it can drive you crazy. Madison+Main launched our INSANITY campaign, because we understand that owners of small and medium-sized business need to #SeekProfessionalHelp.
Since 2005, we’ve helped dozens of really great companies create better brands and better marketing campaigns that produce better results. The world is a very different place than it was 11 years ago, but if your company is still doing the “same old, same old” perhaps it’s time to call the marketing pros at Madison+Main.
From branding to marketing to digital to communications, Madison+Main can help your company get to the next level.
So why not give us a shout?
The advice is free, and so is the call. 1-877-623-6246
Or reach us by email — Shout@madisonmain.com
See examples of our INSANITY marketing campaign on our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.