A lot of Graphic Designers like to call themselves Art Directors, but then they realize that they’re better at creating stuff than handling reports and paper work. At Madison+Main we’re not big on titles, so if you’re a really talented Graphic Designer/Art Director and you want to put Grand Poobah or King or SirDesignsAlot on your business card, then we say “fine.” We just want a person who wants to work with cool people and design cool stuff.
We are Madison+Main, a kick@ass brand communications agency that wins oodles of awards for our work — and our culture (like HYPE Best WorkPlace for Young Professionals).
You’re a rock star. A multi-talented action figure, with a passion for creativity and collaboration. You’re a graphic designer/art director/creative free thinker and six other thigs that can’t fit on a business card. You hate “the staus quo”, but readily use similar phrases when Greeking.
If you have 5+ years experience making great commercial art and want to show it to us, we would be happy to talk with you. We are offering you the greatest opportunity ever… a career at Madison+Main. Must have skillz in ID, AI, and PS. Video editing (after effects, premier pro, etc.) ability is a plus. Experience in creating retail, medical, non-profit, financial and sports marketing earn you bonus points.
Ability to sing karaoke not required, but may increase your chances. Salary depends on your experience, and our health insurance and bonus program and 401k and extra days off and free parking and all the other stuff is just icing on the proverbial cake. Did we mention we have a bar? Yes, a fully stocked bar. #yourewelcome
Call now. Operators are standing by. 804-521-4141. Or send us a note with a link to your portfolio — jobs@madisonmain.com