In a quest for “boldness,” the nine-location early childhood education franchisor Rainbow Station has signed Madison+Main, as its agency of record. Rainbow Station already has a presence in North Carolina, Texas and Virginia and is looking to continue expanding in these areas and beyond – a mission that we at Madison+Main are prepared to accomplish.
“Madison+Main’s ideas are unique, innovative and best of all, bold – exactly what we’re looking for to move forward,” says Gail Johnson, CEO of Rainbow Station.
Rainbow Station is an award-winner in the world of childhood. Founded in 1989, the school develops its own “PLAYWORKS” curriculum, which teaches children critical social and leadership skills at a young age. The school encompasses infant education through private Kindergarten, but it also houses a “Get Well Place” – a facility for mildly ill children with registered nurses on staff – and “The Village” – a school-aged program for children up to 14.
Rainbow Station is headquartered in Richmond,Va. with nine campuses located throughout Virginia, North Carolina and Texas. Rainbow Station serves children ages 0-14 with extended day programming. Additional programs include before and after school care and summer camps. The multi-acre campuses include the highly unique feature of providing “The Get Well Place,” an infirmary attended full-time by a pediatric nurse. The infirmary is located in a separate building and is equipped with a reverse ventilation system for children with infectious conditions such as chickenpox or the flu. Academically, each campus offers a specially constructed “Village,” a recreation program based on freedom and choice for the school-aged child where they attend curriculum-driven activities in the Apothecary, Arcade, ArtGallery, Café Rainbow, Club 5, Theater, Toy Shoppe and the Village Green.
After knowing and working with Gail and her team at Rainbow Station for some time now, we are thrilled to welcome them to the Madison+Main family of clients!